Tuesday, May 21, 2013

All done!

We also went through this tiny town called Paris, but by this point- you're better off asking your recently returned son on how that went.

Thanks for reading and following our journey

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Concert in Amsterdam

Performing at the Westerkerk, we performed the Requiem Mass during the early afternoon for a concert series the area continuously puts on. We were graciously surprised by the size of the crowd that supported us. We performed Cherubini's piece with Nick Will's organ accompaniment this time.

Following our 45 minute piece, we were asked for a triple encore! What a wonderful, appreciative audience.

Foooooood. Only food.

This is gonna be updated every time I get a food pic. I'd tell you to enjoy, but really, this is just meant to torture you all.

Also say hello to Michal!

Ajax futbol game

Wandering the streets of Amsterdam, a few of the guys got caught up in the brewing excitement from a Ajax futbol game. Turns out the game was not only important, but became the winning match for the Ere Divisie cup. The aftermath of the team winning meant the city literally erupted around us. We walked through the city and hopped on a metro with a train full of fans raging their way to the stadium to celebrate with the rest of the city. This was truly a remarkable event, not to mention an unbelievable coincidence.

Besides the plethora of pics that were taken, buying championship memorabilia was a must- you know, in order to not be confused as traitors and cut down on the street (joking!).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Oh Internet, we missed you.

As you may have noticed, we are connected again! Enjoy all the new pics just posted!

Windmills? Never have I ever

We were pretty disappointed we only got to see like 1,200 windmills. Here's a handful of our favorites.